
Archive for the ‘ear hygiene’ Category

Don’t have earwax removed by the "coning" method

During the presentations, a few students asked me about the “coning” procedure used to remove earwax from the ear canal. I was not very familiar with the procedure so I asked an audiologist at House Ear Institute for more information. He referred me to this website: Why Ear Candling Is Not a Good Idea.

Remember, DO NOT insert cotton swabs (ex. q-tips) inside your ear canal. Use them to clean ONLY the outer portion of your ears. Earwax is there to protect your eardrum from bacteria, dirt and dust particles and earwax will naturally migrate out of your ear canal.

Please remember that if you feel you have earwax accumulated in your ear canal, you should see a physician to have the earwax removed.

Categories: ear hygiene