
Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

New website –

April 25, 2010 Leave a comment
A nicely designed website, deaf teens is a new blog where you can share and read stories about hearing impairment, hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc. It provides an opportunity for people to connect with one another through blogging and even chat. There’s also a doctor’s and parent’s corner for commenting.

How the website came to be is an inspirational story of its own. According to the blog Hearing Sparks, David, a teenager with bilateral cochlear implants set out to build a website for an Eagle Scout project. He chronicled the  process on his website: David’s Eagle Scout Project. Share your story by emailing him at

Here is one particular touching story from the website: “My Story” By JoEllen R., age 18

via Hearing Sparks

What is an Audiologist?

April 21, 2010 Leave a comment

More often than not, when someone asks me what I am studying and I reply with “audiology,” I see a curious look on the face that is accompanied with “what is that?” Other times, people are able to make some connection to the ear. I enjoy educating others about the field of audiology and the scope of practice for an audiologist. I feel strongly about the positive difference we can make in patients’ lives in helping them hear better, which can ultimately lead to an improved quality of life. Having said that, audiologists are not only involved in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss, but also evaluate those individuals with balance problems. 

According the American Academy of Audiology, “audiologists are the primary health-care professional who evaluate, diagnose, treat and manage hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children.” U.S. News and World Report has ranked the profession of audiology as one of the best careers in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Check out the Best Careers 2009 report: U.S. News and World Report

The scope of practice can vary and similar to other medical professions. An audiologist can be in general practice where he or she does diagnostics and treatment. Or can become specialized in a specific area of the field, such as cochlear implants, vestibular (or balance) testing and treatment, pediatrics, diagnostics, evoked potential testing, treatment involving amplification, etc. 

The current educational requirements for becoming an audiologist is a Doctor of Audiology degree (Au.D.), which involves attending a 4-year program following a bachelor’s degree and licensing. 

Click on the image twice to enlarge (image source: American Academy of Audiology). 

Hearing Sparks: Netflix Adds Subtitle Support for Around 100 Instant-Stream Titles

April 20, 2010 2 comments

Meet Megan. She happened to come across my blog and we exchanged blog information. Her blog, Hearing Sparks, shares her story on being diagnosed with a progressive hearing loss in both ears at 4 years old. She now has a severe hearing loss in her left ear and a severe to profound hearing loss in her right ear. She has been wearing hearing aids since her diagnosis. 

Megan blogs about her life experiences, audiology and other technology related topics. Having a chance to take a glimpse into her life with hearing loss is very insightful! A perspective on the every day life experiences that my patients don’t always have the time to share. 

On a recent post, she shares some good news about Netflix adding subtitles to about 100 of the movies that can be streamed instantly on the computer (Mac and PC compatible). This is wonderful for individuals who have not used the instant streaming movies due to the lack of caption accessibility. 

Read the post: Hearing Sparks: Netflix Adds Subtitle Support for Around 100 Instant-Stream Titles

Follow me on Twitter!

April 19, 2010 Leave a comment

I now have a twitter account. Follow my blog on Twitter

Categories: blogging, twitter

Thank you Clark students!

I wanted to thank all Clark Magnet students that listened to my presentation. I appreciate the fact that you were all so attentive, respectful and interested in learning about hearing conservation. There were some really great questions asked; I am impressed!

Please remember that I am here to answer any questions you may have on hearing and ear related topics. Just send me a message and I will be more than happy to reply to you.

Please be sure to check back frequently for new blog posts.

Thank you for giving me the chance to share my knowledge with you. Best of luck to everyone! 🙂

Welcome to my Blog!

As an Audiology major, I thought it would be fun to start a myspace page and blog where I can share information about hearing and related topics.

I’ve come across plenty of people who have never heard of an audiologist… No worries, here is a quick description. According to, audiologists are experts in the non-medical management of the auditory and balance systems. They specialize in the study of:

-Normal & impaired hearing
-Prevention of hearing loss
-Identification, evaluation and assessment of hearing and balance problems
-Rehabilitation of persons with hearing and balance disorders
-Dispensing hearing aids and other amplification systems

As boring as it may seem at first, the phenomena of hearing is actually fascinating! I hope to bring awareness to the younger generations as we are becoming more and more technologically savvy in our society and we should be careful about noise exposure. I personally love listening to music and use my iPod regularly, just at a safe volume level.

Communicating with family, friends and loved-ones is a huge part of our lives and we shouldn’t take it for granted!

Categories: blogging, life